The Fallow Field

As we draw near to the end of another busy work year, Michele and I were reflecting  on what we can learn from our chosen business name: Acorn Principle Plus.

The metaphor has been the inspiration behind the new community we are nurturing, from Acorns to Oaks and, to go deeper down this route, we are intentionally becoming more aligned to the changing seasons in our approach to our work; something we will explore further over the coming year.

Nature has much to teach us about rhythms of rest and productivity and last summer we were fortunate to be able to take a few weeks off to fully rest and have fun - two good ways to nourish the soul. 

Just as farmers have learned that to leave a field fallow for a period of time will restore its ability to yield a healthy harvest, we too benefit from our own fallow period. I like the way Christine Haskell describes it:

'...our minds, like the soil, need rest to be able to continue to grow and provide (rather than) forcing production in exhausted soil'.

And we see examples of this fallow approach elsewhere – our local parks have started to leave areas uncultivated, allowing nature to reclaim space, wildflowers and grasses providing sanctuary for insects in our over-industrialised towns and cities.

In coaching we often find that our clients’ most useful gain is simply having space and time to think, a rare commodity in today’s ever demanding, overwhelming culture.

 So, we have set an intention to practice what we preach and teach – giving ourselves that gift that Viktor Frankl’s famous quote describes as the space between.  A few weeks where we can be alone and with each other, with family and friends, time to actually finish reading some of those books we started, to potter around in the garden, enjoying the simplicity and wonder of nature.

To just be!

Acorn Principle Plus is at a very exciting point in it's development, as we consider our direction and purpose. The temptation is to maintain the momentum and buy into the busyness-driven culture we see around us.

However, when we allow our minds to have a fallow period, we rest, recover and are revitalised, bringing a new energy and focus to our mission and to the way we connect with those we engage with, finding deeper appreciation for the great privilege it is to do the work we do.

Perhaps it is these times of rest that help us to maintain the love for what we do, thriving rather than striving, finding renewed interest and motivation after a time of restoration.

And, without making it a task or setting any expectation, we may find that inspiration comes to guide and direct when we are ready to re-engage with work, putting into practice the concept of letting go to let come.

The only exception is my Open Spaces coaching, which actually isn't an exception at all, as it fits well with finding peace, inspiration and nourishment in nature.

Coming back to the acorn analogy, we know that the seed will grow if the conditions are right. Enough water, enough light, and enough space to grow – and this final condition is what the fallow season brings.

Raymy & Michele

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