Principle Led Coach Supervision Training

The world of coaching is changing! It is widely recognised as one of the fastest growing markets of the decade. So, it is no surprise that thoughts are turning to Coach Supervision as a means of ensuring the increasing number of professional coaches are being nurtured and supported to grow beyond their initial qualifications.

This course supports delegates in exploring, practising, and applying the core principles of a sound, ethical coach supervision practice.

Delegates come together in small peer practice groups, and dedicated mentor support is provided as each small cohort progresses through the course.

The Principle Led Coach Supervision course offers flexibility as delegates engage with a blend of:

  • 6 self-determined learning units (online Virtual Learning Environment),
  • peer supervision practice (via teams or zoom),
  • reflection on learning/journaling,
  • zoom group discussion and
  • ongoing mentor support.
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There are two routes to completion:

This programme is a formally accredited CPD programme. It has been Institute approved and is recognised as meeting the quality standards required by The Institute of Leadership and Management.

Option 1

Complete the core training as a continuing professional development (CPD) award. 

Delegates develop skills and awareness of the value of coach supervision, learn practical applications to deepen the learning experience and are awarded an Acorn Principle CPD Certificate.

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Option 2

Complete the core training PLUS the required assessments to achieve an Institute of Leadership and Management Approved Certificate of Achievement and Professional Membership of the Institute of Leadership and Management. Successful candidates will be entitled to use the post-nominal letters Associate Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management (AMInstLM)

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Course Overview

This online, experiential course is delivered flexibly in 6 units over 14 weeks. Each unit lasts for 2 weeks, includes 3 elements and follows the pattern of:  Online Teaching Videos (followed by) Peer Triad Practice Sessions (followed by) bi-weekly Group Zoom Call to reflect on the learning from the first 2 elements.

Unit 1 – Purpose, Principles, and Functions of Supervision

Practice 1 – Contracting and Reflective Practice

Unit 2 - Exploring the Role of the Supervisor & Coach Maturation

Peer Practice 2 – The Supervision Cycle

Unit 3 – Structures and Formats of the Supervision Session

Peer Practice 3 – Application of: The CLEAR Model

Unit 4 – Frameworks & Perspectives: 7 Eyed Model

Peer Practice 4 - Using Different Perspectives

Unit 5 - Unconscious Process & Ethical Dilemmas

Peer Practice 5 - Putting it all together

Unit 6 - Review and Completion

Peer Practice 6 – Assessment (where applicable)

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Benefits for you

  • Participants will deepen self-awareness and an experiential understanding of the supervisor role through reflective practice.
  • Participants will gain increased knowledge of coach supervision theories and models.
  • Participants will engage in peer practice to share learning and gain feedback on practice.
  • Participants will gain confidence through direct experience of supervising other professional coaches.

Who is this training for?

Developing coaches seeking to deepen their own coaching practice and expand their coaching knowledge and skills (CPD route).

Established coaches (with a minimum of 2 years coaching experience) who are in regular supervision themselves and are ready to upskill to supervise and support other coaches. (Qualification route)

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Client Appreciation

The principle led coach supervisor program has enabled me to challenge myself and my practice in unexpected and transformational ways and has given me the skills and confidence to take the next step to furthering my professional and personal development. I was unsure of whether or not I was ready to take that next step but after chatting through my vision and goals with Beth, I reflected and had a deeper knowing that supervision practice was the right next step for me. I am so pleased that I took the leap as I have found the journey invaluable and the learning within the program expansive. The program itself is well paced, with a good balance of learning and experience and the way it was delivered by Beth and Michele gave me the ability to stay focused on the powerful aims and principles of the course whilst practicing and experiencing for myself the value that supervision intervention can bring to coaching practice.

Karen Ramsey Smith

For me, the Principle Led Coach Supervisor programme debunked the apparent mystery surrounding effective coach supervision and built my confidence, knowledge and practice to a level where I relish future supervisory opportunities with gusto.

John Letham, Considered Thinking

I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to develop into Coach Supervision. As a coach I knew how important it is to have a supervisor to become the best coach that I can be. This course helped me to understand the role of a supervisor at a deeper level and highlighted even further the importance of this role in the development of coaches. The course has inspired me to push on and help as many coaches as I can from being the best supervisor that I now can be.

Gerry McGread – Founder of Everything Connected

The people behind the training


Michele Armstrong and Beth Cumming met in 2007 when Beth joined Michele’s coach training course. At that time, the coaching industry were not aligned to a philosophy of coach supervision so when Michele discovered that Beth was involved in training supervisors, their working relationship soon moved towards collaborating on the development of a Supervision Training Course for coaches.

Michele and Beth, both actively involved in coaching, designed this course based on 40+ years of coaching and coach supervision experience.

Formerly in Community Learning & Development (and in receipt of Supervision to support best practice in education), Michele set up her own business and began training professional coaches in 2003.

Beth has been designing and delivering Supervision training for the Health and Social Care sector for over 30 years. Together, they offer a deeply personal and experiential learning framework to support your intention to deepen your practice and to become a Coach Supervisor.

Raymy Boyle joined the training team to support the 2020 course and in 2022, partnered with Michele to deliver the latest version of our blended learning / online offering.

With 30 + years of experience in social services, Raymy has gained significant insight into organisational culture and leadership and recognises the value and benefits of support and supervision (to individual practitioners and their organisations).

As a qualified Coach Supervisor himself, Raymy is someone who has embraced life-long learning in his own life, and firmly believes that we have the opportunity for ongoing learning and growth, regardless of our circumstances. Raymy’s passion continues to be working with people in ways that serve them and, consequently, enables them to serve others. Coach Supervision fits this profile well.

Why online learning?

In 2022, when Beth decided to move into semi-retirement, she agreed to record a series of short sessions to share her wisdom on the core elements of supervision practice. This contribution to the course is priceless and allows us to share Beth’s wisdom, knowledge and expertise every time we run this course.

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